Lovely to see you. My name is Anissa. I'm 16 years old. I enjoy dancing and taking long baths. I love lilies and daisies but i don't like roses. Black is my favourite color. And i don't like chocolate. As you can see I'm new at this. So i'll appreciate the help.
See you~
ehem anissa
BalasHapusasik blog baru. pasti terinspirasi dari gue deh hahahahhahahahah
BalasHapusian : waduh. pede ya mas? hahaha
BalasHapusrangga : ehem apaa? hihi. aduh berasa gaptek bgt gue nih
@ian : pede banget ngahahaha
BalasHapusudah ngaku ajalah niss ckck
BalasHapusnisaaaa link me dong hehe
BalasHapushaha oke deh dal. kadal hehe